
EEPW首頁(yè) > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > 單片機(jī)讀寫SD卡最簡(jiǎn)單最基本的程序


作者: 時(shí)間:2016-11-25 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏


  void read_data(U8 *buffer)


  U32 i;

  U8 rsp = 0;

  while(!(rsp == 0xfe)) //答應(yīng)字節(jié)的最低為0則代表起始位

  rsp = spi_read_byte();

  for(i = 0;i < BLOCK_LEN; i++) //讀一個(gè)block的內(nèi)容,一般為512字節(jié)

  buffer = spi_read_byte();

  for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) //讀兩個(gè)CRC校正碼


  send_clk(); //讀結(jié)束字節(jié)



  U8 write_data(U8 *buffer)


  U16 rsp = 0, tmp = 0, busy = 0, i = 6;


  spi_write_byte(0xfe); //起始位

  for(i = 0; i < 512; i++) //發(fā)送512個(gè)字節(jié)


  for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) //發(fā)送16位的CRC校正


  spi_ro_mode(); //等待答應(yīng)

  while(!(rsp == 0x1))


  rsp =(U16)spi_read_byte();

  tmp = rsp;

  rsp &= 0x11;


  while(!(busy == 0xff)) //判忙


  busy = spi_read_byte();


  tmp &= 0xe;

  if (tmp == 4)

  return NO_ERR;



  Uart_Printf("writing error!!!");

  return WR_SGL_BLK_ERR;




  U8 read_register(U8 len, U8 *buffer)


  U8 rsp = 0xff, i = 0;


  while((rsp == 0xff) && (i < 100))




  if (i > 99)


  Uart_Printf("ERR in readding register!!!");

  return rsp;


  if (rsp != 0xfe)


  buffer[0] = rsp;

  i = 1;



  i = 0;

  for( ; i < len; i++)

  buffer = spi_read_byte();

  for(i = 0; i < 2; i++ )



  return NO_ERR;




  void send_clk()


  rSIOCON |= (1 << 3); //使能SPI

  while (!(rINTPND & BIT_SIO)); //等待發(fā)送完畢

  rI_ISPC|=BIT_SIO; //清除中斷標(biāo)志



  void spi_write_byte(U8 dat)


  rSIODAT = dat;

  send_clk(); //SPI發(fā)送



  U8 spi_read_byte(void)


  send_clk(); //SPI發(fā)送

  return rSIODAT;



  void spi_port_init()


  rIVTCNT = 0;

  rPCONF = (rPCONF & 0xe3ff) | 0x1B0C00; //除了CLK,茶葉MISO,MOSI外,不改變其他位

  rPUPF |= 0x160; //使能MISO的上拉電阻



  #ifndef _SD_CONG

  #define _SD_CONG

  #define BLOCK_LEN (512) //一個(gè)block的長(zhǎng)度

  #define CMD0 0

  #define CMD1 1 // 讀OCR寄存器

  #define CMD9 9 // 讀CSD寄存器

  #define CMD10 10 // 讀CID寄存器

  #define CMD12 12 // 停止讀多塊時(shí)的數(shù)據(jù)傳輸

  #define CMD13 13 // 讀 Card_Status 寄存器

  #define CMD16 16 // 設(shè)置塊的長(zhǎng)度

  #define CMD17 17 // 讀單塊

  #define CMD18 18 // 讀多塊,直至主機(jī)發(fā)送CMD12

  #define CMD24 24 // 寫單塊

  #define CMD25 25 // 寫多塊

  #define CMD27 27 // 寫CSD寄存器

  #define CMD28 28 // Set the write protection bit of the addressed group

  #define CMD29 29 // Clear the write protection bit of the addressed group

  #define CMD30 30 // Ask the card for the status of the write protection bits

  #define CMD32 32 // 設(shè)置擦除塊的起始地址

  #define CMD33 33 // 設(shè)置擦除塊的終止地址

  #define CMD38 38 //擦除所選擇的塊

  #define CMD42 42 // 設(shè)置/復(fù)位密碼或上鎖/解鎖卡

  #define CMD55 55 // 禁止下一個(gè)命令為應(yīng)用命令

  #define CMD56 56 // 應(yīng)用命令的通用I/O

  #define CMD58 58 // 讀OCR寄存器

  #define CMD59 59 // 使能或禁止


  #define INIT_FAIL 0

  #define NO_ERR 1

  #define WR_SGL_BLK_ERR 2

  #define GET_INFO_ERR 3

  #define R1 1 //SD卡答應(yīng)類型,表示一個(gè)字節(jié)

  #define R2 2 //SD卡答應(yīng)類型,表示兩個(gè)字節(jié)


  #define SD_desel() rPDATE=0x20; //使能SD卡

  #define SD_sel() rPDATE=0x00; //放開SD卡

  #define spi_high_speed() rSBRDR = 5; //spi高速模式

  #define spi_low_speed() rSBRDR = 99; //spi低速模式

  #define spi_ro_mode() rSIOCON = (0x0 << 7) | (0x0 << 6) | (0x0 << 5) | (0x0 << 4) | (0x0 << 3) | (0x0 << 2) | 0x1 //只讀模式

  #define spi_rt_mode() rSIOCON = (0x0 << 7) | (0x0 << 6) | (0x1 << 5) | (0x0 << 4) | (0x0 << 3) | (0x0 << 2) | 0x1 //讀寫模式


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關(guān)鍵詞: 單片機(jī)讀寫SD


