一次性將FPGA配置文件和軟件代碼寫到EPCS flash中的教本
rem Altera EPCS program bat tool
rem Written by Tiny Fu(Fu Hanjie), 2006-04-14
rem Project variables
rem You must change these four variables according your project.
rem ***** You must change SOF_FILE_NAME, ELF_FILE_NAME, EPCS_BASE. *****
rem example: SOF_FILE_NAME=C:alterateststandardstandard.sof
rem example: CDF_FILE_NAME=C:alterateststandardstandard.cdf
rem example: ELF_FILE_NAME=C:alterateststandardsoftwarehello_worldDebughello_world.elf
rem example: EPCS_BASE=0x02200000
rem There should be no space between '=' and the value'
rem It result in problems with this kind of sentence: EPCS_BASE= 0x02200000
set SOF_FILE_NAME=C:alterayout_quartus_project_diryour_file.sof
set CDF_FILE_NAME=C:alterayout_quartus_project_diryour_file.cdf
set ELF_FILE_NAME=C:alterayout_nios_ide_project_diryour_file.elf
set EPCS_BASE=your_epcs_base_address
if not exist %QUARTUS_ROOTDIR%bincygwinbinbash.exe goto errorQ
if not exist %SOPC_KIT_NIOS2%ios2_sdk_shell_bashrc goto errorN
rem Erase flash program
rem nios2-flash-programmer.exe --epcs --base=%EPCS_BASE% --erase-all
rem Download FPGA first
quartus_pgm --lower_priority %CDF_FILE_NAME%
rem Program SOF file and ELF to EPCS flash
bash %SOPC_KIT_NIOS2%/bin/sof2flash --epcs --input=%SOF_FILE_NAME% --output=%SOF_FILE_NAME%.flash
%SOPC_KIT_NIOS2%/bin/nios2-flash-programmer.exe --epcs --base=%EPCS_BASE% %SOF_FILE_NAME%.flash
bash %SOPC_KIT_NIOS2%/bin/elf2flash --epcs --after=%SOF_FILE_NAME%.flash --input=%ELF_FILE_NAME% --output=%ELF_FILE_NAME%.flash --boot=%SOPC_KIT_NIOS2%/components /altera_nios2/boot_loader_epcs.srec
%SOPC_KIT_NIOS2%/bin/nios2-flash-programmer.exe --epcs --base=%EPCS_BASE% %ELF_FILE_NAME%.flash
rem You can delete 'rem' in the No.45 line to read the contents in the EPCS flash.
rem You can add 'rem' in the No.45 line to read the contents in the EPCS flash.
rem The file name is SOF_FILE_NAME_readback.flash
rem example, do not read back: rem %SOPC_KIT_NIOS2%/bin/nios2-flash-programmer.exe --epcs --base=%EPCS_BASE% --read %SOF_FILE_NAME%_readback.flash
rem example, read back: %SOPC_KIT_NIOS2%/bin/nios2-flash-programmer.exe --epcs --base=%EPCS_BASE% --read %SOF_FILE_NAME%_readback.flash
rem -------------------------------------------------
rem %SOPC_KIT_NIOS2%/bin/nios2-flash-programmer.exe --epcs --base=%EPCS_BASE% --read %SOF_FILE_NAME%_readback.flash
echo .
echo . Cannot locate Quartus installation (QUARTUS_ROOTDIR) at:
echo .
echo . (specifically, the bincygwinbash.exe program within)
echo .
echo . Please check your paths and try again (running Quartus from
echo . the Start Menu may update the paths and fix this problem).
echo .
echo .
echo . Cannot locate Nios II Development Kit (SOPC_KIT_NIOS2) at:
echo .
echo . %SOPC_KIT_NIOS2%
echo . (specifically, the nios2_sdk_shell_bashrc file within)
echo .
echo . Your Nios II installation may need to be repaired.
echo .
REM : end of file