
EEPW首頁(yè) > 電源與新能源 > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > FL7730單級(jí)初級(jí)端調(diào)節(jié)控制器設(shè)計(jì)指南(獨(dú)家)


作者: 時(shí)間:2013-08-27 來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏

Fairchild公司的是高度集成的控制器,為單級(jí)反激轉(zhuǎn)換器提供增強(qiáng)的性能,其有所有權(quán)的TRUECURRENT™拓?fù)浜?jiǎn)化了LED照明的電路設(shè)計(jì).應(yīng)用電壓80VAC ~ 308VAC,起動(dòng)電流20uA,工作電流5mA,采用跳頻有更好的EMI性能,主要用在LED照明系統(tǒng).本文介紹了主要特性,方框圖,典型應(yīng)用電路以及采用調(diào)光180V-265VAC和90-140VAC 的LED驅(qū)動(dòng)器參考設(shè)計(jì)電路圖.



  • Compatible with Traditional Control No need to change existing lamp infrastructure:wall switch wire)
  • Compatible with Non-Dimming Lamp Designs
  • Cost-Effective Solution without Input Bulk Capacitor nd Feedback Circuitry
  • Power Factor Correction (PFC)
  • Accurate Constant-Current (CC) Control, ndependent Online Voltage, Output Voltage, gnetizing Inductance Variation
  • Line Voltage Compensation for CC Control
  • Linear Frequency Control for Better Efficiency and imple Design
  • Open-LED Protection
  • Short-LED Protection
  • Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting
  • Over-Temperature Protection with Auto Restart
  • Low Startup Current: 20 μA
  • Low Operating Current: 5 mA
  • SOP-8 Package Available
  • Application Voltage Range: 80 VAC ~ 308 VAC


This highly integrated controller, FL7730, provides everal features to enhance the performance of singlestage lyback converters. The proprietary topology, RUECURRENT enables the simplified circuit design or LED lighting applications.

dimming is smoothly managed by dimming rightness control without flicker. By using single-stage opology with primary-side regulation, an LED lighting oard can be implemented with few external omponents and minimized cost. It does not require an nput bulk capacitor or feedback circuitry. To implementgood power factor and low total harmonic distortion,constant on-time control is utilized with an externalcapacitor connected to the COMI pin.Precise constant-current control regulates accurateoutput current versus changes in input voltage andoutput voltage.

The operating frequency is proportionallychanged by the output voltage to guaranteeDiscontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) operation withhigher efficiency and simpler design. The FL7730provides protections such as open-LED, short-LED, andover-temperature protections. Current-limit level isautomatically reduced to minimize output current andprotect external components in a short-LED condition.The FL7730 controller is available in an 8-pin SmallOutline Package (SOP).


Typical Application


Functional Block Diagram


Pin Configuration

Pin Definitions



摘 要:LED 照明已經(jīng)發(fā)展成為最有前景的解決方案,能夠替代如熒光燈和白熾燈等普通光源。然而,設(shè)計(jì)人員在最高20W的住宅和商業(yè)LED照明(包括燈泡、下射燈 (GU10/E17, E26/27, PAR30/38)以及管/棒燈)應(yīng)用方面面臨著一些障礙。由于調(diào)光器兼容性的原因,在普通TRIAC調(diào)光器結(jié)構(gòu)中實(shí)現(xiàn)LED調(diào)光能力會(huì)有相當(dāng)?shù)睦щy。此 外,小空間尺寸仍然是一項(xiàng)考慮因素。


摘 要:對(duì) 于TRIAC調(diào)光LED燈泡,目前最大的問(wèn)題在于調(diào)光器的兼容性。傳統(tǒng)TRIAC調(diào)光器的原始設(shè)計(jì)是要處理數(shù)百瓦白熾燈泡消耗的功率。消耗功率小于 20W的LED燈泡,會(huì)和采用由大功率開(kāi)關(guān)器件構(gòu)成的調(diào)光器產(chǎn)生相互影響。如果調(diào)光器和LED燈泡的相互影響不穩(wěn)定,會(huì)出現(xiàn)可見(jiàn)閃爍。

關(guān)鍵詞: FL7730 PWM TRIAC


