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LG 選擇賽普拉斯 TrueTouch? 觸摸屏解決方案為 KS360 手機(jī)提供時(shí)尚界面

作者: 時(shí)間:2009-03-01 來源:電子產(chǎn)品世界 收藏

        基于 PSoC® 的可編程解決方案可實(shí)現(xiàn)設(shè)計(jì)靈活性和易用性


        SAN JOSE, Calif., February 18, 2009 – Cypress Semiconductor Corp. today announced that Electronics has selected Cypress’s ™ touchscreen solution to implement the elegant, easy-to-use capacitive touchscreen interface in its new KS360 mobile handset. With the flexible and programmable solution, based on the PSoC® programmable system-on-chip architecture, designers had a wide variety of touchscreen and LCD materials and vendors to choose from to create the design. The projected capacitive touchscreen provides a next-generation user interface for optimal management of applications.

        2009年2月18日,北京訊,日前,半導(dǎo)體公司宣布, Electronics 在其新型 KS360 手機(jī)中采用解決方案,以提供精美、易用的電容式界面。利用基于 PSoC® 可編程片上系統(tǒng)架構(gòu)的靈活的可編程 TrueTouch 解決方案,LG 設(shè)計(jì)人員可以選擇多種觸摸屏、LCD 材料和廠商來進(jìn)行設(shè)計(jì)。感應(yīng)式電容觸摸屏可為實(shí)現(xiàn)最佳的應(yīng)用管理而提供下一代用戶界面。

        The KS360 phone has a sliding QWERTY keypad and specialized messaging application features that enable users to send SMS, IM, email and access social networking sites, all from one device. To make messaging easier, the screen automatically rotates 90 degrees using accelerometer technology once the full length keypad has been opened. The KS360 also comes with a 2MP camera and MicroSD card slot. 

        KS360 手機(jī)采用滑蓋式 QWERTY 鍵盤,支持專門的短信應(yīng)用功能,用戶可以用這款手機(jī)方便地發(fā)送 SMS、IM、電子郵件,并且可以訪問社交網(wǎng)站。為了進(jìn)一步簡化短信操作,手機(jī)屏幕在鍵盤全部打開的情況下可以通過加速度計(jì)技術(shù)自動旋轉(zhuǎn) 90 度。KS360 還配備有 200 萬像素的攝像頭及 MicroSD 卡插槽。 

        Cypress’s TrueTouch™ touchscreen solution enables OEMs to utilize a full portfolio of Cypress-developed single-touch and multi-touch gestures, such as tapping an application to open, panning through photo albums, scrolling down an e-mail, and rotating and pinching pictures. Cypress also provides multi-touch capability for up to 10 fingers for more complex applications including virtual keyboard and gaming. This capability provides touchscreen designers with the most freedom to create new and creative interfaces for mobile handsets, portable media players, GPS systems and other products. Additional information about the TrueTouch solution is available at www.cypress.com/go/pr/TrueTouch.

        TrueTouch™ 觸摸屏解決方案讓 OEM 能夠使用賽普拉斯開發(fā)的全系列單點(diǎn)與多點(diǎn)手勢技術(shù),如可以進(jìn)行單擊打開應(yīng)用、平移相冊、滾動電子郵件、旋轉(zhuǎn)與縮放圖片等操作,對于更為復(fù)雜的虛擬鍵盤和游戲等應(yīng)用,賽普拉斯提供的多點(diǎn)觸摸功能最多可支持 10個(gè) 手指同時(shí)操作。上述功能為觸摸屏設(shè)計(jì)人員提供了廣泛的自由度,以便為手機(jī)、便攜式媒體播放器、GPS 系統(tǒng)和其他產(chǎn)品創(chuàng)建全新的創(chuàng)新型界面。如欲了解關(guān)于 TrueTouch 解決方案的更多信息,歡迎訪問以下網(wǎng)址:www.cypress.com/go/pr/TrueTouch。

        “The compact size and sliding capability of the KS360 required a flexible touchscreen solution,” said Ji Hoon Jeong, Project Leader at LG. “Cypress’s TrueTouch touchscreen solution allowed us to work with the touchscreen and LCD vendors of our choice to get the exact look and feel we wanted.”

        LG 的項(xiàng)目主管 Ji Hoon Jeong 指出:“KS360 小巧的體積和滑蓋功能,需要靈活的觸摸屏解決方案加以支持。賽普拉斯的 TrueTouch 觸摸屏解決方案使我們能根據(jù)需要選用不同廠商提供的觸摸屏和 LCD,確保實(shí)現(xiàn)我們理想中的感官效果。”

        “We are pleased to work with a leader such as LG to bring the sleek, dynamic KS360 phone to market,” said Dhwani Vyas, vice president of PSoC CapSense™ and Touchscreen Business Unit at Cypress. “With increasing demand for a wide variety of touchscreens, we believe the flexibility of the Cypress TrueTouch solution is ideally positioned to enable the next generation of touchscreen products.”

        賽普拉斯 PSoC CapSense™ 和觸摸屏業(yè)務(wù)部的副總裁 Dhwani Vyas 指出:“我們很高興與 LG這樣的領(lǐng)先公司合作面向市場推出這款圓潤動感的 KS360 手機(jī)。隨著業(yè)界對各種觸摸屏需求的不斷增加,我們相信,賽普拉斯 TrueTouch 解決方案的靈活性必將成為下一代觸摸屏產(chǎn)品發(fā)展的理想之選。”

        關(guān)于 TrueTouch

        Cypress's TrueTouch touchscreen solution is based on projected capacitive touchscreen technology, offering numerous benefits over touchscreens based on resistive technology. These advantages include optical clarity, durability, reliability and cost-effective implementation of multi-touch features. The TrueTouch family, based on the PSoC® programmable system-on-chip architecture, is the industry's broadest touchscreen offering, including single-touch, multi-touch gesture, and multi-touch all-point solutions. Because of the flexible and programmable PSoC-based TrueTouch architecture, customers can also choose to work with a wide variety of touchscreen vendors and/or LCD module vendors to create their designs. Other touchscreen solutions are not programmable and require designers to implement a fixed solution with limited materials choices. The TrueTouch solution also enables designers to integrate additional functions such as driving LEDs, backlight control and I/O expansion. These functions, in conjunction with flexible communication options (I2C and SPI), allow for unparalleled system integration for touchscreen systems. Additional information about the TrueTouch solution is available at www.cypress.com/go/pr/TrueTouch.

        賽普拉斯 TrueTouch 觸摸屏解決方案采用感應(yīng)式電容觸摸屏技術(shù),比采用電阻式技術(shù)的觸摸屏具備更多優(yōu)勢,如光學(xué)清晰度、耐用性、可靠性以及低成本多點(diǎn)觸摸功能實(shí)施等。TrueTouch 系列以 PSoC® 可編程片上系統(tǒng)架構(gòu)為基礎(chǔ),是業(yè)界最全面的觸摸屏系列產(chǎn)品,包括單點(diǎn)觸摸、多點(diǎn)觸摸和全屏多點(diǎn)觸摸解決方案等。由于基于 PSoC 的 TrueTouch 架構(gòu)極為靈活且支持可編程,因此客戶在創(chuàng)建設(shè)計(jì)方案時(shí)可選用不同廠商提供的觸摸屏和/或 LCD 模塊。其他觸摸屏解決方案都不支持可編程功能,而且需要設(shè)計(jì)人員采用固定的解決方案,材料的選擇范圍有限。TrueTouch 解決方案還可使設(shè)計(jì)人員集成驅(qū)動 LED、背光控制和 I/O 擴(kuò)展等額外功能。這些功能與靈活、可選擇的通信 (I2C and SPI) 一道讓觸摸屏系統(tǒng)實(shí)現(xiàn)無與倫比的系統(tǒng)集成。如欲了解關(guān)于 TrueTouch 解決方案的更多信息,歡迎訪問以下網(wǎng)址:www.cypress.com/go/pr/TrueTouch。

關(guān)鍵詞: LG 賽普拉斯 TrueTouch 觸摸屏



