
EEPW首頁 > 手機與無線通信 > 新品快遞 > 賽普拉斯最新 West Bridge解決方案實現(xiàn)市場上最快的 PC 到手機間文件傳輸

賽普拉斯最新 West Bridge解決方案實現(xiàn)市場上最快的 PC 到手機間文件傳輸

—— 賽普拉斯最新 West Bridge? 解決方案實現(xiàn)市場上最快的 PC 到手機間的在線多媒體商店 (Online Multimedia Store) 和 Windows Media Player文件傳輸速度
作者: 時間:2009-03-01 來源:電子產(chǎn)品世界 收藏

        全新 Turbo-™ 功能可加速媒體協(xié)議以改進側(cè)載(Side Loading)性能并提高用戶體驗


        SAN JOSE, Calif., February 12, 2009 –Cypress Semiconductor Corp. (NYSE: CY) today introduced a new module for its West Bridge® peripheral controllers that offers the fastest available transfer of multimedia files from a PC to handheld device via the widely-used Media Transfer Protocol (). Cypress's Turbo-™ solution enables users to sideload a feature-length movie in less than a minute – 10x faster than competing MTP implementations. 

        2009年2月12日,北京訊,日前,半導體公司 (NYSE: CY) 宣布推出 West Bridge® 外設(shè)控制器的一個全新模塊,通過廣泛采用的媒體協(xié)議 (MTP),可實現(xiàn)目前 PC 到手持設(shè)備間最快的多媒體文件速度。 Turbo-MTP™ 解決方案能讓用戶在不到一分鐘的時間內(nèi)將一部故事片電影側(cè)載 (sideload) 到手機上,這比競爭性 MTP 實施方案快了10 倍。

        The Turbo-MTP solution dramatically increases the effectiveness of MTP, a USB-based protocol used by Rhapsody, Napster, Verizon V CAST and other online video and music services. MTP enables the transfer of metadata such as song titles, images, and Digital Rights Management (DRM) information. With MTP, a handheld retains access to storage even while plugged into a PC – users can still make a phone call or watch videos while connected, instead of facing a “PC Connect” frozen screen. MTP also removes any risks of file corruption when users unplug their handheld during a file transfer. Natively supported in Windows Media Player (WMP), MTP protocol enables direct, drag-and-drop synchronization between WMP and a handheld.

        Turbo-MTP 解決方案大幅提高了 MTP 的效率。MTP 是 Rhapsody、Napster、Verizon V CAST和其他在線視頻和音樂服務(wù)所采用的基于USB的協(xié)議,能傳輸歌曲名稱、圖像和數(shù)字版權(quán)管理 (DRM) 信息等元數(shù)據(jù)。利用 MTP,手持設(shè)備在與 PC 連接時也能繼續(xù)對存儲器進行訪問、撥打電話或觀看視頻,而不會出現(xiàn)“PC 連接”時的屏幕凍結(jié)問題。MTP 還消除了用戶在文件傳輸過程中斷開連接后導致文件破壞的風險。MTP 協(xié)議由Windows Media Player (WMP)支持,能在 WMP 和手持設(shè)備之間直接通過拖放方式實現(xiàn)同步。

        “MTP has greatly improved the user experience from competing protocols, but it slows down transfer speeds,” said Alakesh Chetia, Vice President of the West Bridge Business Unit at Cypress. “Turbo-MTP dramatically accelerates sideloading for MTP handhelds, offloading the data stream from the main processor onto a high-performance, USB-optimized West Bridge controller. As a result, users gain the benefits of MTP without a transfer penalty.”

        West Bridge業(yè)務(wù)部副總裁 Alakesh Chetia 指出:“MTP相對于競爭協(xié)議而言大幅改善了用戶體驗,但這會降低傳輸速度。Turbo-MTP 大幅提高了 MTP 手持設(shè)備的側(cè)載速度,將主處理器從數(shù)據(jù)流傳輸工作中解放出來,而讓高性能USB優(yōu)化型West Bridge控制器來完成傳輸工作,這樣,用戶既能從MTP中受益,同時傳輸速度又不會受到影響。”

        Cypress will demonstrate the Turbo-MTP solution at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on February 16 to 19 in Hall 1, Booth 1H35. Recent benchmarks showed that a top-tier multimedia phone using Turbo-MTP transferred files 10 times faster than other MTP phones.

        賽普拉斯將在 2 月 16 日至 19 日于巴塞羅那 (Barcelona) 舉辦的全球移動大會 (Mobile World Congress) 1 號展廳 1H35 號展臺上演示 Turbo-MTP 解決方案。近期進行的基準測試顯示,采用 Turbo-MTP 技術(shù)的名牌多媒體手機傳輸文件的速度是其他 MTP 手機的 10 倍。

        Enhanced by West Bridge solutions – including the Antioch™ and Astoria™ peripheral controllers – MTP represents a significant improvement over the legacy Mass Storage Class (MSC) protocol. Using MSC, users could not access any content on their handset when connected to a PC. MTP maintains simultaneous access to storage, so users can still fully use their phone or PMP while connected. Also, with MSC, users were required to use specific “Safe Removal” operations before unplugging the USB cable or have all stored files get corrupted. MTP is immune to this loss of data.
        MTP通過采用包括 Antioch™ 和 Astoria™ 外設(shè)控制器在內(nèi)的 West Bridge 增強型解決方案,相對于傳統(tǒng)的 Mass Storage Class (MSC) 協(xié)議而言實現(xiàn)了顯著改善。如果使用 MSC,用戶就不能訪問與 PC 相連接的手機上的任何內(nèi)容。而 MTP 則能保持對存儲空間的同時訪問,這樣用戶就還能在連接的同時完全使用電話或 PMP。此外,如果使用 MSC,用戶在拔下 USB 電纜前必須在電腦上進行“安全刪除硬件”操作,否則就有可能導致所有存儲文件遭到破壞。而 MTP 完全沒有這種數(shù)據(jù)丟失的危險。

        The West Bridge Antioch controller achieves superior data transfer performance by providing a direct path from high-speed USB 2.0 to handset storage devices such as Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC), MultiMedia Card (MMC), Hard Disk Drive (HDD) and NAND Flash. By fully offloading management of USB and storage from the main baseband processor, the controller saves critical processor resources and allows a mobile handset to maintain full functionality while simultaneously sideloading multimedia files, synchronizing PIM data, or even using the phone as a PC modem. The West Bridge Astoria controller adds to this performance with a configurable multimedia storage interface and flexible processor interface, easing connections to a broad range of embedded processors and mass storage devices. These features allow the Astoria controller to connect to any embedded processor or DSP, bringing MLC NAND support to new applications including portable media players (PMPs), wireless cards, dongles, portable navigation devices (PNDs), digital cameras, POS terminals and more.

        West Bridge Antioch 控制器通過提供一條從高速 USB 2.0 到手機存儲設(shè)備(如高容量安全數(shù)字卡 (SDHC)、多媒體卡 (MMC)、硬盤驅(qū)動器 (HDD) 和 NAND 閃存等)的直接路徑,取得了卓越的數(shù)據(jù)傳輸性能。由于主基帶處理器完全從 USB 和存儲管理任務(wù)中解放了出來,該控制器因此能節(jié)約寶貴的處理器資源,并能讓移動手持設(shè)備在側(cè)載多媒體文件、同步 PIM 數(shù)據(jù)、甚至將電話用作 PC 調(diào)制解調(diào)器的同時保持其所有功能。West Bridge Astoria 控制器還在上述性能的基礎(chǔ)上添加了可配置的多媒體存儲接口和靈活的處理器接口,從而簡化了與多種嵌入式處理器和大容量存儲設(shè)備的連接。上述特性可使 Astoria 控制器連接到任何嵌入式處理器或 DSP,為便攜式媒體播放器 (PMP)、無線網(wǎng)卡、收發(fā)器、便攜式導航設(shè)備 (PND)、數(shù)碼相機、POS 終端等各種新型應用提供 MLC NAND 支持。


        West Bridge Antioch and Astoria peripheral controllers with the Turbo-MTP capability are currently in full production. The Turbo-MTP firmware module is supported in the West Bridge Antioch Development Kit and the West Bridge Astoria Development Kit.  Contact your local sales representative for more information.

        支持 Turbo-MTP 功能的 West Bridge Antioch 和 Astoria 外設(shè)控制器目前已經(jīng)全面投產(chǎn)。West Bridge Antioch 開發(fā)套件和West Bridge Astoria 開發(fā)套件支持Turbo-MTP 固件模塊。如欲了解更多信息,敬請聯(lián)系您的本地銷售代表。

        關(guān)于 West Bridge 系列

        Devices in the new West Bridge family of peripheral controllers function as a companion chip to an embedded central processing unit (CPU) to free it from data-intensive operations. In the same way the North Bridge and South Bridge were introduced in the PC architecture to enable the main CPU to evolve independently from quickly changing memory and peripheral interfaces, embedded systems are evolving towards a similar architecture, where a West Bridge device manages the interfaces and offloads from the main CPU specific peripheral-to-peripheral traffic.  

        全新 West Bridge 系列外設(shè)控制器中的器件作為嵌入式中央處理器 (CPU) 的輔助芯片發(fā)揮作用,以便將 CPU 從數(shù)據(jù)密集型操作中解放出來。就像 PC 架構(gòu)中引入北橋 (North Bridge) 和南橋 (South Bridge) 芯片以便讓主 CPU 從快速變化的存儲器和外設(shè)接口中獨立出來一樣,嵌入式系統(tǒng)也在朝著類似的架構(gòu)方向發(fā)展,以便讓 West Bridge 器件來管理接口,將 CPU 從具體的外設(shè)間通信中解放出來。

         The West Bridge family is based on Cypress’s Simultaneous Link to Independent Multimedia™ (SLIM™) architecture, which manages multiple, dedicated paths between peripherals, memory and the processor to allow maximum data throughput. In addition to providing a path to interfaces not supported by the main processor, the SLIM architecture allow direct and independent data transfer from one interface to another, offloading the main CPU, and freeing up its resources for higher system performance. For more information, visit www.cypress.com/go/westbridge.

        West Bridge 系列產(chǎn)品基于賽普拉斯 Simultaneous Link to Independent Multimedia™ (SLIM™) 架構(gòu),能管理外設(shè)、存儲器和處理器之間的多個專用路徑,實現(xiàn)最高的數(shù)據(jù)吞吐量。除了為主處理器不支持的接口提供路徑之外,SLIM 架構(gòu)還能在接口之間直接獨立地傳輸數(shù)據(jù),解放主 CPU 并釋放其資源,以獲得更高的系統(tǒng)性能。如欲了解更多信息,歡迎訪問以下網(wǎng)址:www.cypress.com/go/westbridge.

關(guān)鍵詞: 賽普拉斯 MTP 傳輸



