
EEPW首頁 > 模擬技術 > 設計應用 > 找出微處理器ADC電壓的十六進制編碼值


作者: 時間:2012-07-05 來源:網絡 收藏

這種設計方案針對低檔八管腳flash存儲的8位,例如Freescale的MC68HC908QT4A,但是它也同樣適用于任何一款擁有模塊的8位。在芯片內,轉換輸入的模擬成數字信號格式。數字信號格式為8位的十六進制值,如$00。端口采集輸入模擬信號范圍從VSS對應的 $00到VDD對應的$FF?;谶@些十六進制,在VSS和VDD之間的輸入呈現出總共256個電平的線性變換。換句話說,輸入越高,十六進制值就越大。



  然而,本文提出解決這個問題的方案。假定微處理器工作電源電壓為VDD,應用下面這個簡單公式得到十六進制編碼值:VIN/(VDD/255)=result value=hex code(見編者按)。注意,在更高的十六進制編碼轉換精度之前,必須保證轉換出的十六進制值能夠覆蓋整個模擬信號范圍。下面的例子計算表明了使用已知電源電壓5V的微處理器時,測量輸入模擬信號電壓為1.6V的十六進制編碼值:1.6V/(5V/255)=81.6=82,或者$52。




  Find hex-code values for microcontroller’s ADC voltages

  Ease 8-bit microcontroller programming with a simple formula to calculate hex values of ADC output.

  Harry Gibbens Jr, Deafworks, Provo, UT; Edited by Charles H Small and Brad Thompson -- EDN, 4/12/2007

  This Design Idea is for low-end, eight-pin, flash-memory, 8-bit microcontrollers, such as the MC68HC908QT4A from Freescale, but it would apply to any 8-bit microcontrollers that use the ADC feature. In a nutshell, the ADC converts an input-analog-voltage level to a digital-signal format. The digital-signal format has an 8-bit hex-code value, such as $00. The microcontroller “sees” the input-analog-voltage level from its ADC ports ranging from $00 at VSS to $FF at VDD. Based on those hex-code values, there are a total of 256 ticks. The input voltages between VSS and VDD represent a straight-line linear conversion. In other words, the higher the input voltage, the higher the hex-code value.

  The difficulty is that a programmer who needs to write assembly code for a programming algorithm must know what the hex-code value is for a different input-analog-voltage level—1.6V, for example. Referring to the microcontroller’s specs and even contacting its manufacturers do not yield satisfactory answers.

  However, this Design Idea presents a solution to the problem. Given the microcontroller’s power operating-voltage source, VDD, use the following simple formula to obtain the hex-code value corresponding to an identified input-analog-voltage level: VIN/(VDD/255)=result value=hex code (see Editor's note). Note that you must round off the result value to a whole number before converting to a hex-code value for better accuracy. The following sample calculation finds the hex-code value for a measured input-analog-voltage level of 1.6V when using a known microcontroller’s VDD of 5V:1.6V/(5V/255)=81.6=82, or $52

  Editor's Note:

  Correction and addition (4/27/2007): Due to an editing error, we originally printed the formula as VIN×VIN/(VDD/255). In addition, the author has provided two attachments, a lookup table (PDF) and an Excel spreadsheet that allows you to interact with the formula. Finally, the author has posted some comments in the Feedback Loop section for this article.



