

作者: 時間:2011-07-23 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏


Selection Commands:

Function New Key Old DOS Key
Selection Tool S
Enter for single
Tab to start area
Tab again to end --
Global Selection Shift+V --
Select All Data Ctrl+A --
Invert Selection Ctrl+I --
Clear Selection Ctrl+U --
Select Inside/Outside Selection Frame I Alt+I
Select Any Element Class U --
Select Only from Current Layer 0 (Zero) Alt+L
Select Only Elements of Current D Code Ctrl+D --
Select Only Elements of Current Net Ctrl+F --
Select Only Pads P P
Select Only Traces T T
View Properties of Selected Elements Alt+Shift+Enter --
Editing Commands:

Function New Key Old DOS Key
Activate Selected Editing Tool Enter --
Turn Off Selected Editing Tool Escape Slash
Undo Editing Command Ctrl+Z U
Delete Selected Elements Delete Delete
Copy Selected Elements K K
Move Selected Elements Shift+M Tab
Rotate Selected Elements Ctrl+R Alt+Q
Mirror Selected Elements Horizontal Vertical Shift+X Shift+Y Alt+X Alt+Y
Transfer Selected Elements to New layer J J
Replicate Selected Elements to New layer Ctrl+J Alt+R
Step and Repeat Selected Elements Shift+K Alt+K
Snap Selected Elements to Grid Ctrl+M Alt+M
Transcode Selected Elements Ctrl+T Alt+T
Insert Element Insert
Key for element
Enter to Activate Insert
Insert Rectangular Polygon at Frame Shift+B Shift+B
Break Traces Ctrl+B
Enter for Single
Tab to start area
Tab again to end Ctrl+B
Stretch Traces Ctrl+Shift+M
Enter for Single
Tab to start area
Tab again to end --
Convert Drawn Pads to Flashed Ctrl+Shift+P Alt-P
Layer Editing Commands:

Function New Key Old DOS Key
Align Layers Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q
Move Layers Q Q
Center Layer in other Layers Shift+Q Shift+Q
Center Layer to Frame Shift+C Shift+C
Swap Layers Shift+J --
Layer Commands:

Function New Key Old DOS Key
Layers Table F10 F10
Layers Toolbar Ctrl+Shft+L
Arrow to Layers
Enter for Visibility
Space for Menu
Escape to Exit --
Make Only Single Layer Active L Alt+L
Make All Layers Active 0 (Zero) Alt+A
Make Next Layer Active Equals Equals
Make Previous Layer Active Backspace --
Toggle Single Layer Visibility Shift+L --
Toggle Visibility of All Layers Shift+0 (Zero) --
Toggle Visibility of Current Layer Ctrl+Shift+0(Zero) --
Make All Layers Visible Ctrl+0 (Zero) --
Make Only Next Layer Active and Visible Shift+Equals Shift+O
Make Only Previous Layer Active and Visible Shift+Backspace Shift+Backspace
Make Only Single Layer Active and Visible Ctrl+L --
Quick Access Active 1-9 1 Access Visible Shift+1-9 --
Quick Access Single Layer Active and Visible Ctrl+1-9 --
Quick Access Set Color Ctrl+Shift+1-9 --
Reference Frame Commands:

Function New Key Old DOS Key
Frame Around All Data Ctrl+W Ctrl+W
Draw New Frame Shift+W
Enter to activate --
Move Frame at Same Size W
Press once to grab corner and again to release 0 (Zero)
Resize Frame Ctrl+Shift+W
Press once to grab corner and again to release 9
Zoom Commands:

Function New Key Old DOS Key
Zoom Tool Z
Enter for Up
Shift+Enter Down
Tab to start area
Tab again to end --
Zoom Up Page Up Page Up
Zoom Down Page Down Page Down
Set Zoom Level Shift+Z Alt+Z
Zoom on Frame Shift+Home W
Zoom to Show All Data Home Home
Zoom to Reference Zoom Level Minus Minus
Set Reference Zoom Level Shift+Minus Plus
Distance Measurement Commands:

Function New Key Old DOS Key
Distance Measurement D DSet Relative Origin Shift+R
Enter to activate R
Mark Location M M
Visibility Commands:

Function New Key Old DOS Key
Padstch between Visible and not Visible Shift+P Shift+P
Tracestch between Visible and not Visible Shift+T Shift+T
Selected Elementstch between Visible and not Visible Shift+S Ctrl+I
Unselected Elementstch between Visible and not Visible Shift+U Shift+I
Trace Widthtch between Full Width and Centerline O Ctrl+Z
Pad Outlinetch between Full Width and Outline Shift+O --
Pad Contrasttch between Same Color and Contrast V Alt+C
D Codetch between Blank and Shape Shift+H Shift+H
Redraw Viewing Area End Enter
Redraw Viewing Area at Cursor Shift+End End
Go To Commands:

Function New Key Old DOS Key
Align Cursor to Element A A
Align Cursor to Element and Query Properties Shift+A S
Move Cursor Arrow Key Arrow Key
Move Cursor Slowly Shift+Arrow Key Shift+Arrow Key
Pan Screen Ctrl+Arrow Key Ctrl+Arrow Key
Pan to First Screenful Shift+F Shift+F
Pan to Next Screenful Shift+N Shift+N
Go To X Y Coordinate X Y X Y
Go to Origin Ctrl+Home Z
Go To Center of Data in Frame C C
Go To Center of Arc Shift+E Shift+E
Go to Trace Ends E E
Go To Frame Corner Ctrl+E Alt+W
Go To Marker H H
Mark Location M M
Go To First Element F F
Go To Next Element N N
Go To Previous Element B Ctrl+N
Separate Pointer and Crosshair Spacebar Spacebar
Grid Commands:

Function New Key Old DOS Key
Turn Grid On/Off G GSetup Commands:

Function New Key Old DOS Key
Layers Table F10 F10
D Code Table F5 F5
Set Current D Code Shift+D Shift+D
Tool Code Table Shift+F5 Alt+F5
File Commands:

Function New Key Old DOS Key
Import Layer Files Ctrl+F2 Ctrl+F2
Import Gerber F2 F2
Import Gerber (options only) F3 --
New Job File Ctrl+N --
Open Job File Ctrl+O --
Print Job File Ctrl+P --
Save Job File Ctrl+S --
Job File Properties Alt+Enter --
Help Commands:

Function New Key Old DOS Key
Help Topics F1 F9
Context Sensitive Help Shift+F1 --
System Commands:

Function New Key Old DOS Key
Abort Operation Ctrl+Break Ctrl+Break
Exit Program Alt+F4 Escape



